Grow baby, grow 

Tips from our garden to yours

  • Do I plant my seeds directly into the garden, or use a seed tray?
  •  In spring and summer, we tend to sow directly into the ground. In winter, and especially in the cooler parts of New Zealand, we suggest you sow into seed trays or pottles, then keep your seeds in a warm spot until the seedlings have a few leaves and are hardy enough to plant out.

  • Can I plant everything at the same time?
  •  It’s best to stagger your seed sowing to make the most of your edible goods and spread out the harvesting season. If you plant everything all at once, everything will be ready all at once.

  • How much and how often should I water my seeds?
  •  Depending on the season, the hydration needs of your edibles will change. A bit like us, really - in the warmer months, they’ll require more watering than in the cooler months of the year. Keep checking that soil, and if it’s dry, give it a spritz.

  • How do I use the Soluble Seaweed? 
  •  Simply mix one teaspoon of Soluble Seaweed into a litre of water, and water your seedlings with it every 3-4 weeks during their entire growing season. 

  • How often do I harvest my greens?
  •  Many of the seed varieties will actually produce more if you regularly harvest them. For example, keep picking the salad leaves as opposed to waiting for the entire lettuce to be ready, and keep picking the sugar snap peas to encourage more flowering and growth. 

  • Tips for growing good Microgreens
  • Microgreens play their own game. Here are some of our top tips to get your greens growing as they should.

    1. For the fastest growth, be sure to keep the seeds damp.
    2. Give your Microgreens lots of good light so they don’t get leggy (think all stem and no leaves).
    3. Microgreens come in hot. Make sure to harvest them as soon as they’re ready so they don’t tip over - wink and you’ll miss it.
